Downgrading members to the Free plan

  1. Click on your Profile icon or avatar. You'll find this in the bottom left corner.

  2. Go to My workspace.

  3. Click on the Billing and subscription tab.

  4. Click on the Plans tab.

  5. You will see a list of products and the count of Pro and Free members for each.

  6. Click on the product where you want to downgrade members to the Free plan.

  7. Click on the Pro members tab in the sidebar under the Billing and subscription section

  8. You can view the pro members in the selected product.

  9. Select the checkbox for the members you wish to downgrade to the Free plan.

  10. Click on the Take action button.

  11. Click on the Downgrade to Free plan button.

  12. An alert box will appear with the list of selected members.

  13. Click on the Downgrade button.

  14. You will now see the expiry date of the downgraded member's Pro plan access.