Managing how users log in

Neeto Authentication helps you to manage and secure login by restricting it to only certain domains. You can allow logins to specific domains ensuring that emails outside those specified domains will not be allowed to login.

Let's say you want to allow logins only for email IDs belonging to With Neeto Authentication, you can specify the domain as allowed. You can also specify multiple such domains. This will help you restrict access to email IDs outside the bigbinary domain and keep your Google login secure.

Setting up specific domains to login

  1. Click on your Profile icon or avatar. You'll find this in the bottom left corner.

  2. Go to My workspace. If you don't have the necessary permissions to manage your workspace, you might not be able to see this. In that case, please contact your workspace owner to become an owner.

  3. Click on Admin Panel.

  4. Click on Authentication.

  5. Ensure the toggle button is On for Google login. Click on Allowed domains field.

  6. Type the domain(s) separated by commas and click Enter.

  7. Click on Save Changes button.

However, what if you want to give access to a contractor who is using Gmail, meaning an email ID outside your allowed domain? That's where the Exception feature comes in. Exception is a key feature of Neeto Authentication, allowing you to selectively give access to email IDs outside the allowed domains.

Allowing emails to login from restricted domains as an exception

Follow above same steps from 1 to 4

  1. Ensure the toggle button is On for Google login. Click on Exempted emails field.

  2. Type the email IDs you want to allow to login from the restricted domains and click Enter.

  3. Click on Save Changes button.